Historical Dynamics of Ukrainian Culture in the Context of World Culture

  • Victoria Polianskaia Николаевский национальный университет имени В.А. Сухомлинского https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6424-558X
Keywords: culture, dynamics, cycling, development, crisis, philosophy of culture, sociocultural reality


In the context of the philosophical view of culture, its evolution is carried out according to the laws of Hegel’s dialectics, and illustrates the unity and struggle of opposites, the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, which makes it possible to treat the evolution of culture as synonym for the dynamics of culture. The points of view of such famous culturologists as O. Spengler, N. Berdyaev, P. Sorokin, A J. Toynbee, as well as Ukrainian scientists such as I. Ogienko, V. Panchenko are introduced. Cultural dynamics is characterized by the improvement of new structures, types of cultural activities, which in turn is the result of human creative activity. Entry into the era of global computerization has not only highlighted the fundamental role of the mind, but at the same time has endangered the collective mind of a society, in particular, Ukrainian. The threat of informational manipulation of consciousness of the average Ukrainian, the discrepancy between the rate of his knowledge updating and his psychophysical ability to assimilate it, has increased. The cultural crisis that has befallen Ukraine is a rather complicated phenomenon, which is a result of the fact that so far we have been focused on the forceful transformation of the world around us. The infiltration of various kinds of video, audio, and book products from the USA and Europe into Ukraine influenced the minds of young people, since the youth subculture is less stable due to the unformed worldview. It is obvious that any comparison of one’s way and standard of living with the way and standard of living of the residents of other countries carries changes in the world view. It could be be a displaying of an active, creative attitude to the world. Ukrainians have to develop new moral counterbalances to the characteristics of modern technological civilization, and to substantiate new development prospects. Culture and its creator and carrier – a human, become the focus of research of the entire planetary community, as well as Ukrainian, in particular. It should be borne in mind that global trends, including culture development trends, show themselves differently in different regions of Ukraine. This is due to the unevenness of their development and the proximity of one or another culture. The dialectic of the unity and locality of the cultural-historical process is of great methodological importance for the cultural history of a particular country. Ukrainian culture also has its historical originality and, because of its regional specificity, has its own limits of involvement into the history of world culture.

How to Cite
Polianskaia, V. (2018). Historical Dynamics of Ukrainian Culture in the Context of World Culture. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, 2(3 (23), 70-75. Retrieved from https://eminak.net.ua/index.php/eminak/article/view/131
History of Ukraine