New Paleolithic Site Vyklyne 3 in Central Ukraine
The paper is devoted to the publication of materials of the new Paleolithic site Vyklyne 3, located in Central Ukraine. During the archaeological study conducted in 2018 at the site, the horizon of cultural findings in the stratified position was discovered.
The found flint material of the site indicates that the basis of the techniques of the complex primary splitting was the use of nuclei with a longitudinal system of flaking the blanks of the flatting working surfaces; there is a significant predominance of smooth blow surfaces, faceted variants occupy the subordinate position, in the preparation of the knapping zone a significant role was played by the ledge cutting method, and numerous findings with the remains of the nodule crust were present.
Among the category of tools in the assemblage were scrapers, butt knives, points, denticulates; also rough end scraping tools and burin-cutters were found.
The noticeable features of secondary processing in the complex include: the prevalence of the alternative processing of the opposite sides, numerous cases of alternative retouching, the occurring of bifacial processing, asymmetry of the faceting, the denticulate character of the edge parts of some produced items, rather numerous cases of deliberate fragmentation, the prevalence of the applying of various dorsal and ventral thinnings.
Due to the features of the stratigraphic position of the flints, the morphology of the findings and the technique and typological indicators of the produced items, the found complex of the site Vyklyne 3 artifacts, taking into account the area of the excavated site, can be previously correlated with the Mousterian technocomplex, the chronological position of which is between the Late Middle Paleolithic and the early period of Upper Paleolithic.
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