Participation of the Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler in the Organization of All-Russian Archaeological Congresses
The paper, basing on a thorough study of the sources, describes the role of the Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler in the organization and work of the All-Russian Archaeological Congresses, which had a great scientific and social significance. They were a kind of experimental site where the scholars could present to the general public the results of their scientific research and share experience. Participation in such meeting provided greater opportunities for development, therefore, scientific communities considered it necessary to send their delegations of the best representatives to Archaeological Congresses (AC). Of the 15 archaeological congresses held in the Russian Empire, six were held in Ukraine: III (Kyiv, 1874), VI (Odessa, 1884), XI (Kyiv, 1899), XII (Kharkiv, 1902), XIII (Katerynoslav, 1905), ХІV (Chernihiv, 1908).
Much attention in the paper is paid to the III Archaeological Congress (III AC), which took place in Kyiv in 1874. The Congress was held in Kyiv precisely because in the 70s of the nineteenth century it became a powerful center of research in the field of archeology. The newly created Society joined the preparation of the Third Archaeological Congress, and that fact rallied Kyiv historians and archaeologists. The reports prepared by delegates from the Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler were devoted to the topical issues of history and archeology. The most productive was the work on the preparation of the XI AC, when with the assistance of the Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler, the archaeological exhibition, excursions to the archaeological sites, and the printed abstracts of the reports were prepared. Having a certain experience of organizational work, the Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler joined the preparation of the XII AC in Kharkiv. The active organizational participation of the Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler in the work of the archaeological congresses was connected with the fact that one of the important directions of the Society's work was the popularization of science.
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