Rainwater Cistern of Hellenistic Period from the Settlement of Vilino (Rassadnoie) – as a Burial Structure of the Late Scythian Culture

Keywords: rainwater cistern, burial structure, ancient architecture


The information about the rainwater cistern of the Hellenistic period – the end of the 4th – the beginning of the 3rd century BCE is presented in the paper. The construction was studied at the settlement of Vilino (Rassadnoie) in 2008 in the Bakhchisarai Raion (District) in the Crimea. It was situated at the eastern wall inside the estate, which was a part of the choir of Chersonesus. In the Late Scythian period, the construction was reused as a burial structure (ossuary) – from the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 1st century BCE – till the end of the 2nd century CE – the first half of the 3rd century CE. About 30 people were buried in the ossuary. Then the ossuary was robbed and covered with resedimented occupation layer from the settlement. The cistern was robbed more than once, as testified by the diggings, ancient and modern. After stopping using the structure as an ossuary, its upper part started to be used as a basement.

The fragments of archaeological material of the 4th – 2nd centuries BCE were found in the construction. Ceramic material indicates the wide trade links with the Black Sea and Mediterranean ancient centers (Sinop, Rhodos, Attica, Knidos, Ephesus, etc.). The remains of burial equipment are typical for the Late Scythian culture of Crimean Piedmont and the Sarmatian culture of the Northern Black Sea region.

It is difficult to explain the situation of using the object as an ossuary at the settlement where the population lived.

The cistern was constructed in the classical traditions of ancient Greek architecture and has analogies at the sites of ancient Greece and the Northern Black Sea region. Nevertheless, it is a unique object located on the choir of the Chersonesus state and the border with the barbarian world. Judging by archaeological and written materials, at least one more cistern could be present at the settlement.

The construction could be an important object in the study of poorly studied issues related to the water supply in the ancient Greek poleis of the Northern Black Sea region.

The settlement of Vilino (Rassadnoie) could become one of the basic objects for developing chronological issues, defining the borders of the Chersonesus state, trade relations with the Mediterranean, Greek-barbarian relations in Western Crimea in the era of Hellenistic Greece and Roman Period, etc.


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How to Cite
Medvedev, G. (2019). Rainwater Cistern of Hellenistic Period from the Settlement of Vilino (Rassadnoie) – as a Burial Structure of the Late Scythian Culture. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (3(27), 9-46. https://doi.org/10.33782/eminak2019.3(27).309