Trade Contacts of Mangup-Kale Population in the 5th Century on the Materials of Amphorae and Red-Figure Pottery

Keywords: Mangup-Kale, amphorae, red-figure pottery, 5th century, trade contacts


The conclusions about the trade contacts of Mangup-Kale population in the 5th century, based on the findings of amphorae and red-figure pottery in the archeological complexes of the settlement are made in the paper. The archeological contexts in which the ceramic products were found date back to the Late Roman-Early Byzantine period (the second half of the 3rd – the end of the 18th century) of the settlement’s development. The amphorae of Shelov type E, Böttger III.1 Delacau, «Сarottes», with the corrugation of the body by the type of «oncoming wave» (LRA 1 Benghazi), with a funnel-shaped neck and thick comb corrugation of the body (LRA 2 Benghazi), with the «bulbous-neck», spread on the Mangup-Kale Plateau in the 5th century, were analyzed. Most forms of red-figure pottery belong to the so-called «Pontica production» ceramics. Fewer Late Roman C products originating in Asia Minor have been found. Findings of amphorae and red-figure pottery indicate that import from Bosporus, Asia Minor, Syria, the Caucasus, the Aegean and Mediterranean islands came on the territory of Mangup-Kale in the 5th century. Goods from distant regions came to settlement through Chersonesus, which already had strong economic ties with the Byzantine Empire.


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How to Cite
Yashna, O. (2019). Trade Contacts of Mangup-Kale Population in the 5th Century on the Materials of Amphorae and Red-Figure Pottery. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (3(27), 47-59.