Sources from the History of Ukrainians National-Cultural Movement in Galicia of 1848-1914 in the Foreign Archival and Library Institutions

Keywords: Galicia, archival and library institutions, national-cultural movement, societies, public figures


The process of forming a complex of sources on the history of Ukrainian national-cultural movement in Galicia during 1848-1914 years on the example of foreign archival and library institutions is shown in the paper. The attention is focused on socio-political peculiarities of the period under review, the work specifics of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy state institutions, which the Ukrainian ethnic territories belonged to at that time, the activities of influential public organizations and leading socio-cultural figures. The author characterizes official documents and materials, the sources of personal origin on the history of Ukrainians national-cultural movement in Galicia of 1848-1914 and social and political works of mainly Polish and Russian politicians which are stored in the Austrian State Archive, the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire, the Central State Historical Archive of the Russian Federation (Saint-Petersburg), the State Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow), the Russian State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg, the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Manuscript Division of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom) of RAS, the State Archives in Przemysl, the Kraków Branch of the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts, the National Library in Warsaw, the National Library of Russia in Saint-Petersburg. They contain detailed information on the cooperation of Ukrainian public figures with their colleagues from abroad, activities of public and scientific institutes, spreading of the Russophile movement, etc.

It has been found out that the study of foreign archival and library institutions allows forming a complex of quite representative sources, the creation of which was caused by certain administrative as well as political and cultural factors. However, only the complex study of documents and materials stored in domestic and foreign archives and libraries will allow determining the completeness and objectivity of their information sources for the scientific reconstruction of the history of Ukrainians national-cultural movement in Galicia of the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century.


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How to Cite
Sholohon, L. (2019). Sources from the History of Ukrainians National-Cultural Movement in Galicia of 1848-1914 in the Foreign Archival and Library Institutions. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (3(27), 227-235.
Historiography, Source Study and Special Historical Disciplines