Circular of OSBM Protohegumen Inokentii Matkovskyi (January 29, 1781)

Keywords: letter, circular, Protohegumen, Chapter, Consulta


The relevance of the issue for the development of modern church archeography is outlined. The scientific novelty level and methodological bases of epistolary documents publication are determined. An overview of epistolary publications is given. Different lists of the circulator are analyzed. The source description of the letter is carried out. The reason for the circular is clarified. The structural parts of the document are named. A general overview of the information content of the letter is given.

In the current conditions of creating a network of monastic centers of the Order of Saint Basil in Ukraine, there is a need for revived management systems of scattered monasteries. The modern system of administrative and territorial organization of Basilian ascetic life in Ukrainian lands originates in the 18th century. The processes of unification and modernization of the union monasticism of the Eastern rite were connected with the formation of the Holy Pokrova Province. Protohegumens played an important role in those processes. Accordingly, there is a need to study their administrative experience, represented in the circulars.

The main goal of the study is to identify the structure and contents of the circular. The presentation of the information material of the letter is structured logically and consistently. It presents the main innovations introduced by the Torokan Provincial Chapter and the Bilostok Consulta. The intensification of modernization processes took place because of social and political changes (the first division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). This event gave impetus to the division of the two monastic provinces (Polish and Lithuanian) into four administrative and territorial units (Polish, Galician, Lithuanian, Belarusian). Their formation was officially announced at the Torocan General Chapter (1780). 1780-1783 was a transitional period for the distribution of monasticism and monasteries between the newly formed provinces. Correspondingly, at that time the joint meetings of two provincial councils (Bilostok Consulta) took place.

We consider the further search for circulars of other Protohegumens to be a promising area of study in order to compile a special archeographic collection.


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How to Cite
Kryvosheia, I., & Stetsyk, Y. (2020). Circular of OSBM Protohegumen Inokentii Matkovskyi (January 29, 1781). Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(30), 21-29.
History of Ukraine