Regulation of Social and Economic Processes by the Authorities in Volyn in Late 19th – Early 20th Century
The peculiarities of Volyn Province economic development in the late 19th – early 20th century are described. The mechanism of prices for essential commodities regulation by the authorities and the city government is traced. A comparative analysis of the material security level of different social groups is made, and much attention is paid to the deterioration of the social and economic situation in the region during the First World War. However, despite the significant efforts made by municipal governments, living standards in the region deteriorated. First of all, it concerned the Western counties of Volyn Province on the territory of which during 1915-1916 hostilities were conducted.
The rise in food prices in the towns took place due to a number of reasons, namely the lack of labor resources, since most men in the region were drafted into the acting army, the short-sighted policy of the Russian imperial government, which forcibly evacuating the population from Galicia, placed most of the refugees in the frontline counties. As a result of the retreat of the Russian army in the summer of 1915, the number of displaced persons in the region increased sharply, and that led to a rapid rise in prices and finally, to the impoverishment of a large part of the population. Those tendencies intensified, especially at the end of 1916 – the beginning of 1917.
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