The Fight of Brig «Mercury» with Turkish Battleships on May 14, 1829: Reconstruction Attempt
The paper presents an attempt to reconstruct the battle between the Russian brig «Mercury» and the Turkish warships on May 14, 1829, during the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829. The material contains a historiographical review of pre-revolutionary, Soviet, contemporary Russian and foreign scientific literature, devoted to this problem. The authors conclude that Russian historiography devoted to the problem is characterized by the complete lack of any digital data on the position of ships during the fight, the characteristics of their weapons, etc. Another its disadvantage is the lack of references to Turkish sources or to the works of Turkish researchers.
The only source from the Turkish side is the so-called the «Letter of the Turkish Navigator» from the newspaper «L'Impartial de Smyrne». The authors for the first time introduce the material of this newspaper, which refers to the fight. It is proved that the «Letter of the Turkish Navigator», mentioned in the vast majority of Russian-language works devoted to the problem, has nothing in common with the original.
The paper contains the specifications of the ships that participated in the fight. These numerical data make it clear that a small ship like a Russian brig was not able to cause such damages on Turkish battleships that would have forced them to leave the battle. Moreover, there was no ship named «Real-Bey» in the Turkish fleet at the time of the fight.
The authors come to the conclusion that «heroization» of the brig «Mercury» fight was needed for the General Headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet to reduce the negative response of the tsarist government to the surrender of the frigate «Raphael» to the Turks, which occurred the previous day. Analyzing the available sources, the authors are considering the version, according to which the brig fight took place not on May 14, 1829, but a few days earlier, the day when the Russian frigate «Raphael» surrendered.
Heroization of the brig «Mercury» fight was not something extraordinary. To confirm this, the authors give the examples of other similar cases in the history of the Russian Navy.
Analyzing available sources, specifications of the ships, the authors debunk the generally accepted version of the fight. The proposed numerical data and the given facts confirm the fact that the real events of May 14, 1829, had nothing to do with the generally accepted version of the events.
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