Features of Formation and Use of Leased Land Resource in Katerynoslav Province in Post-Reform Period

Keywords: land lease, Katerynoslav Province, entrepreneurship, land use, sharecropping


The process of formation and development of lease relations in the agricultural sector of Katerynoslav Province (hubernia) in the post-reform period is studied in the paper. The reasons for the widespread distribution of land lease and the specifics of the process in different counties (povits) of the province are analyzed. The role of landownership in the formation of the land lease fund of the region is determined. Huge agricultural areas served as a significant source of productive and non-productive income for the local nobility. Few owners of capitalist-type estates used the funds gained from the land lease to modernize their agricultural production. For the vast majority of nobles, a land lease was the main way of land use.

The methods of involving the peasantry of Katerynoslav region, both individually and in collective forms, in the land lease relations in the conditions of peasantry property and social differentiation are specified. Attention is focused on the fact that the main tenant was a wealthy peasantry, who used the land primarily for the establishment of commercial agriculture.

The type differentiation of the lands that made up the lease fund of the region is carried out. It has been found out that the majority were privately owned, as well as peasants’ plots of land, lands of the treasury, and private institutions. The specific character of land lease for coal mining in Katerynoslav Province is shown.

A wide range of statistical sources is processed to highlight the types of land lease and regional features of their application. The popular form of the land lease was sharecropping, but in the areas of commercial agriculture, there was a dynamic development of money land lease, common to capitalist management.

The dynamics of changes in lease prices in the context of types of land lease and regional differentiation are traced. The advantages and disadvantages of land lease for owners and tenants of the province are highlighted. The conclusion is made about the important place of land lease in the entrepreneurial activity of Katerynoslav nobility and peasantry as the primary subjects of land lease relations and producers of agricultural products. It promoted the development of entrepreneurial initiatives and the intensification of capitalist forms of management in the village.


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How to Cite
Chernikova, N. (2020). Features of Formation and Use of Leased Land Resource in Katerynoslav Province in Post-Reform Period. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (3(31), 43-61. https://doi.org/10.33782/eminak2020.3(31).435
History of Ukraine