Lviv Polytechnic on the Pages of Newspaper ‘Dilo’ (20-30s of the 20th Century)
A peculiar history of Lviv Polytechnic on the pages of the newspaper ‘Dilo’ in the 20-30s of the 20th century is studied in the paper. It is noted that most publications were the announcements from the Union of Ukrainian Students ‘Osnova’ about the peculiarities of studying at Polytechnic, the structure of the institution, prospects after graduation, and preparatory courses for gymnasiums graduates who wanted to get technical education. Thanks to these announcements it is easy to deduce certain changes, in particular, reduction of the number of departments because of the liquidation of the General Department specialized in future teachers training. Also, through the prism of newspaper reports, the specifics of the division into departments in different periods of the interwar period, changes in the cost of education, subjects of entrance exams, etc. are traced.
A considerable amount of news about various kinds of excesses in the 1930s serves as a confirmation of the well-known complicated interethnic relations in Galicia at that time. It is obvious that frequent breaks in the educational process declared due to another fight, strike, etc. did not contribute to the proper course of study and good learning by students.
A certain part of the study is devoted to newspaper information of statistical and personalized nature, which allows to amplify the image of Lviv Polytechnic everyday life in the analyzed period.
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