State and Problems in the Field of Health Care in Volhynia during NEP Years (1921-1928)
The state and problems in the field of health care in Volhynia during the years of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1921-1928 are examined in the paper. Measures to fight the epidemics and the most common diseases of that time are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the development of health care in the studied period and pre-Soviet times is made.
The state of health care in Volhynia at the time of the NEP (1921-1928) was initially difficult due to the consequences of the civil war. The province authorities had to face not only the financial and material problems of medical establishments development, staffing issues, but also the need to immediately overcome epidemics of various diseases (preventive and other measures). In general, in a number of rates, the health care situation in the region had significantly improved compared to the indices of 1913. On the other hand, there was an increase in the occurrence of so-called social diseases (tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.). In the development of this sphere, as the experience of the studied period shows, the main functions were taken over by the state. The state of work in the field of health care in Volhynia gradually improved, especially in 1925-1927 (repair of hospitals, reduction of epidemic diseases, work of maternity and childhood care institutions, etc.). However, state bodies were not always able to solve all pressing health issues effectively, especially in rural areas.
The state of children’s health, including children in orphanages, and the activity of Zhytomyr medical establishments during the NEP need further research.
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