Problem of National Minorities and Language Issue During Ukrainian Revolution and in Modern Independent Ukraine
The paper evolves a thesis on the conditionality of the national minorities problem during the Ukrainian national revolution and in independent Ukraine by the need to preserve the self-identification of both Ukrainians and other national minorities at the present stage in terms of preserving statehood. The dependence of the solution of the issue of national minorities in the Ukrainian National Republic on the position of the Provisional Government and the Bilshovyks is pointed out.
The existence of the principle of resolving the issue of national minorities through the development of liberal principles in the conditions of autonomy is emphasized. It is noted that during the autonomy of the Ukrainian Central Rada there was a restriction on the use of Ukrainian language. It is pointed out that national minorities were allowed to influence the division of their own powers. The existence of differences in rights between certain nationalities, which determined different mechanisms of interference in state affairs, is confirmed.
The relevance of Russian elite in resolving the issue of national minorities during the Hetmanate of Pavlo Skoropadskyi and the democracy in resolving the issue of Jewish pogroms initiated by the Bilshovyks are noted.
Factors influencing the elimination of differences in the national issue in independent Ukraine at the present stage are identified. The global, regional, and national levels of legislation governing the solution of national minorities are highlighted.
It is pointed out that there is a possibility of peaceful prevention of conflicts on the language issue, preservation of the identity of national minorities, and influence on Ukraine’s path of development. The untrammeled development of national organizations in Ukraine at the present stage and the importance of personal development are emphasized.
Ukrainian legislation draws attention to the multi-aspect essence of the notion of national minorities as a Ukrainian society component. The application of liberal principles as a way to solve the issue of national minorities is emphasized. The practical realization of the language and national issue gives the opportunity for productive cooperation between the bodies of state power and national minorities.
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