Images of Mother of God in Sacred Art and Museum Collections in Venice
The peculiarities of the image of Mother of God in religious painting, sacred sculpture, and mosaics of Venice are analyzed in the paper. The basis for the work is research and information resources in Italian and English. An interesting source for the work is Italian ancient books, representing the important role of the Blessed Virgin Mary veneration in the Venetian space in historical retrospection. The specificity of this theme is especially relevant in the field of interdisciplinary research ‒ history, art history, cultural heritage, Mariology, etc.
The analysis of key compositional scenes of the image of Mother of God in the artistic heritage of Venice is carried out on the example of paintings by prominent representatives of the famous Venetian art school (Paolo Veneziano, Giovanni Bellini, Titian, Jacopo Palma the Elder (Negretti), Jacopo Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese, Domenico Tintoretto, Jacopo Palma the Younger), as well as some artists of Greek origin, who for some time improved their professional skills in Venice (El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos), Giovanni Permeniate, Antonio da Negroponte). The compositional schemes of the Blessed Virgin Mary image in the sculptural art of Venice are also schematically analyzed.
An important role in the study belongs to the review of vivid examples of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the collections of the Venetian museums (Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia, the Fondazione Querini Stampalia Gallery, and Museum, Museo Correr, etc.).
A special place in the work is given to the review of the specifics of the mosaics of the Basilica di San Marco and the basilicas of the islands of the Venetian lagoon (Murano and Torcello islands) in a comparative context. The prospect of further research of these mosaics in the sense of deeper comparison and analysis of stylistic features of outstanding samples of Mother of God mosaic image in well-known Italian and Byzantine temples is offered.
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