Changes in the Ethnopolitical Environment of the Population of the South of Ukraine in the late XIX – early XX centuries
The paper analyzes the changes in the ethnopolitical situation of the population of the South of Ukraine in the late XIX – early XX centuries. We define the South of Ukraine as the area of the Black Sea region and the Sea of Azov region, as well as the Crimean peninsula, as the main criterion, which our version of the demarcation is based on, is a multi-ethnic factor.
The results of the population census of 1897 were used as the basis for determining, taking into account the natural population increase in Ukraine in the ensuing years. However, it is rather difficult to calculate accurately the proportion of the Ukrainian population in the Ukrainian provinces which were the part of the Russian Empire. Firstly, Russian officials considered it their duty to make the number of native Russians on Ukrainian lands the largest. And they did it, of course, at the sacrifice of the Ukrainian population. As a result, it turned out to be somewhat actually fewer Ukrainians and more Russians. Secondly, the natural increase of Ukrainians exceeded the corresponding number of other nationalities living next to them, which led to the increase in their number in the total population. Thirdly, even after the 1897 census, the population of the southern provinces continued to grow because of the out-migrants, among whom the Ukrainians prevailed both relatively and absolutely. All that, of course, significantly influenced the quantitative ratio between the various national groups of the population of the South of Ukraine.
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