Scythian barrow 12 of the «Sluiceway» Group in the Lower Dniester

Keywords: The Scythians, barrow, graves, Left bank of the Lower Dniester, bracelet, second half of the 4th century BC


The article publishes and analyzes the materials obtained in the study of the barrow 12 of the «Sluiceway» («Vodovod») group near the Glinoe village, Slobodzeya district, on the left bank of the Lower Dniester. The grave in a catacomb of the type I (undercut) was the main under the mound, and three other in the pits were secondary. A similar situation is extremely rarely recorded in the North-West Black Sea region. The construction of round cult pits accompanying the main burial is also noteworthy. The handmade pot with a beak from the children’s burial indicates the manufacture of special dishes designed for dispensing food during feeding. The finding of the miniature bracelet with a plate receiver in the burial of a child, apparently, indicates the Thracian influence on the material culture of the Scythians of the North-West Black Sea Region, at least from the second half of the 4th century BC. It was at this time that the published mound was built and graves were made under its mound. Materials from the barrow Glinoe / «Sluiceway» 12 and other, later, Scythian burials on the left bank of the Lower Dniester demonstrate that the Scythian culture of the North-West Black Sea region continues to maintain its originality not only in the second half of the 4th century BC, but also in the next two centuries.


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How to Cite
Sinika, V., Telnov, N., Lysenko, S., & Razumov, S. (2021). Scythian barrow 12 of the «Sluiceway» Group in the Lower Dniester. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (1(33), 253-267.
Iron Age

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