Petro-Pavlivsky Monastery in the Village of Irhóc (Vilkhivtsi) in the 18th Century
The article explores the history of the origin and development of Petro-Pavlivsky Monastery (Saints Peter and Paul Monastery) in the village of Vilkhivtsi, Tyachiv district, Transcarpathian region.
The relevance of the research topic is due to the need for an objective and impartial reconstruction of the integral church life of Máramaros Eparchy in the 18th century. The research, owing to new discovered archival materials, for the first time reveals the hitherto unknown facts from the history of the Vilkhivtsi monastery.
The main methods used in the study were: critical analysis of sources, historical-comparative, topological and descriptive method, as well as the synthesis of logical and structural-system analysis of the newly discovered material.
The studied documents and analytical works prove that foundation date of the monastic center is 1708. This allows us to state that the monastery was one of the oldest – «newly created» monastic centers of Máramaros Eparchy in the first half of the 18th century and occupied although short, but prominent place in the ecclesiastical life of the county.
The data of the State Archives in Transcarpathian region, as well as research works made it possible to get acquainted with the main stages of the monastery activities in the 18th century. This provides prospects and opportunity for further researches: studying the constituent documents, the life of the first abbots of the monastery, certain aspects of monastic life, land and economic affairs, biographies of the monks of the monastery, and so on.
The prospect for further research is that further study of the monastery activities will more comprehensively fill the existing gaps in the history of monasticism of Máramaros Eparchy. Elaboration of the research topic will allow to expand permanent knowledge about the inner life of the monasteries of Máramaros in the specified period; will permit to study the church history in Transcarpathia in the 18th century, in general.
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