Epidemiological situation in Odessa under the Hetmanate (according to materials from Odesa newspapers of 1918)
Today pandemic occupied almost all the world. It is still a serious problem for population. A lot of countries have already faced this challenge at various times. In a result they found the solutions. Using of the previous experience and developing new ways are the keys to successful overcoming modern pandemic.
The goal of this exploration is clarification of the epidemiological situation and methods of solving the problem in Odessa in 1918. That is why we should draw parallels between the current international, socio-political and economic situation in Ukraine and the era of the Hetmanate. It will be useful to benefit from the fight against the epidemic during the reign of Pavlo Skoropadskyi.
We explored local press of 1918, because it was the main way of rapid informing the population and influence on local residents. That is how governments communicated with inhabitants of Odessa.
In the context of cholera and then Spanish flu, local authorities and medicals acted promptly. All people who become ill went into isolation. There were rooms for isolation and choleric barracks in the hospitals. They conducted a thoroughly search of the ships, that went into a port. The sanitary situation was seriously controlled in the most epidemiologically dangerous parts of the city. There even was free food for people.
Vaccination campaign was the main aim. But the population didn’t trust it. Local authority, sanitarians employed a huge propaganda of necessity and effectiveness of vaccine.
The wave of epidemic was stopped in 1918. Local authority, brave doctors and selfless residents impacted on overcoming this pandemic the most. Nowadays these aspects are important too.
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