Socio-political and public organizations activity peculiarities at Volyn in the Ukrainian statehood idea formation and development in 1921-1939

Keywords: Ukraine, Volyn, national movement, public organizations, socio-political organizations


Historical aspects of the development and formation of socio-political and public organizations in Volyn, which after the end of the World War I was under the rule of two totalitarian powers – the Soviet Union and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth I is studied in the article. The role of Ukrainian immigration in the creation of Ukrainian socio-cultural and political centers was considered, and the optimal ways of solving national problems were searched for. On the example of Volyn lands it is proved that despite the difference of social and political systems, which dominated both Western and Eastern parts of Volyn, the process of formation of the national idea represents an organic unity in all Ukrainian lands.


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How to Cite
Kadeniuk, O., & Sazhko, V. (2021). Socio-political and public organizations activity peculiarities at Volyn in the Ukrainian statehood idea formation and development in 1921-1939. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(34), 139-149.
History of Ukraine