Regulatory and Legal Ensuring of Soviet Power Social Policy Regarding Afghan War Veterans and Members of Their Families in the 1980s

Keywords: legislation of the USSR, social policy, Afghan War Veterans, persons with disabilities, families of fallen servicemen


The regulatory and legal regulation of certain components of the social policy of the Soviet power regarding Afghan War Veterans and members of their families during the 1980s is studied in the paper. The chronology of regulatory and legal ensuring of certain components of social policy concerning the categories of persons from among the Soviet servicemen, participants of hostilities in Afghanistan and members of their families, defined in regulatory acts, is considered. It concerned mainly officers, warrant officers, and midshipmen, servicemen of compulsory and additional service who suffered injuries, disability, and the families of servicemen who were killed or died as a result of diseases got in Afghanistan, wives, children, and incapacitated parents.

The regulated components of social policy are studied, in particular, the components related to the elements of pension (inclusion in time-in-service for Afghan War Veterans, supplementary pensions for persons with disabilities, personal pensions for Afghan War Veterans with disabilities and family members of fallen servicemen), medical (out-of-turn, free provision of prosthetics and appropriate treatment), housing (providing housing or improving the living conditions of families), as well as social benefits to Afghan War Veterans with disabilities who studied or acquired another profession, and one-time benefits for fallen officers, warrant officers, and midshipmen of compulsory and additional service.

Certain attention is paid to the organization of measures to provide medical care to war veterans, including Afghan War Veterans, was regulated by the USSR government and orders of the Ministry of Health in 1988-1989 and related to the development of health and rehabilitation programs, hospitalization, provision of medicines, etc.


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How to Cite
Ostrovyk, D. (2021). Regulatory and Legal Ensuring of Soviet Power Social Policy Regarding Afghan War Veterans and Members of Their Families in the 1980s. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(34), 167-179.
History of Ukraine