Petrо Kurinnyi in the Intellectual Discourse of the Ukrainian Diaspora Intellectuals
In the paper the creative work of the Ukrainian diaspora scientists devoted to the analysis of the scientific and social activity of Petro Petrovych Kurinnyi is analyzed. After the emigration of the scholar to Germany in 1943, his name appeared in the lists of the «enemies of the people», and that consigned the P. Kurinnyi’s scientific and organizational activity in the Ukrainian SSR to forced oblivion.
Though even during P. Kurinnyi’s lifetime in the diaspora the articles appeared in which the most important scientific researches of the archaeologist during his life in Ukraine were summed up, as well as the main directions of his scientific, educational and social activities in emigration. Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko, who was in friendly relations with the Kurinnyis, responded by one of the first articles about P. Kurinnyi in the periodical press. A few articles to the scholar’s anniversary came from her pen, in which the main milestones of P. Kurinnyi’s biography were mentioned, as well as his diverse social activity.
Ukrainian historians in emigration analyzed the scientific life of 1920-1930s in Soviet Ukraine, bystanders and creators of which they were. In the generalized works of N. Polonska-Vasylenko and B. Krupnytskyi, the role of P. Kurinnyi in the intellectual life of Soviet Ukraine was analyzed. The emigration period of P. Kurinnyi’s activity, in particular, his scientific and pedagogical activity at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich, was described in works devoted to the history of this university.
Valuable fragments to form the general biographical portrait of P. Kurinnyi are the memoirs of V. Plyushch, L. Vynar, and D. Humenna. The memoirs of these authors describe the personality traits of the scholar’s character, as well as his attitude to the key issues of Ukrainian life both in Soviet Ukraine and in the diaspora.
The analysis of publications of the Ukrainian diaspora intellectuals indicates the presence of scientific interest in the intellectual and public heritage of P. Kurinnyi while in Soviet Ukraine his name and scientific achievements were suppressed. Scholars in diaspora repeatedly emphasized the important role of P. Kurinnyi in the scientific life of Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as his diverse scientific, educational and social activity in emigration.
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