Work of Museographer: Preparation of Museum Publication in Ukraine (End of the 19th – First Third of the 20th century)

Keywords: museography, museum edition, catalog, album, guide, report, collection, author, museographer


Ukrainian museum editions of the end of the 19th and the first third of the 20th century are analyzed in the paper from the authors’ work point of view – preparation of museographic texts. It is shown that cataloging, compiling of a guidebook, album, or inventory required preliminary processing of theoretical materials and attribution of objects. Quantitative indicators of items put into the printed forms of collections’ presentations depended on the type of collection. Thus, numismatic and archaeological materials are usually more voluminous than inventories of other thematic groups (maps, old prints, fabrics, memorial collections).

But, the amount of the museographer’s work did not depend on the goal and eventfulness of the publication since the catalogs of temporary exhibitions were no less quantitative than catalogs or inventories of collections of a certain profile. Studying of museum reports shows a wide horizon of the museographer’s work on this specific format of publication. The authors of the reports accumulated and summarized various vectors of the museum’s activity over a certain period.

Analysis of museum collections demonstrates the work of editorial commissions to outline the concept of the edition and its prospects. The materials of the collections concerned not only the problems of the museum sphere but also the issues of historical science and culture. Work on the issue required the concerted efforts of all authors.


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How to Cite
Cherhik, N. (2021). Work of Museographer: Preparation of Museum Publication in Ukraine (End of the 19th – First Third of the 20th century). Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(34), 296-305.
Historiography, Source Study and Special Historical Disciplines