Glassware of 6th – 5th Centuries BCE from Burial and Residential Complexes of Borysthenes

Keywords: collection, vial, core-formed technique, Northern Black Sea region (North Pontic region), Mediterranean


Collections of glass vessels made with the core-formed technique from an ancient settlement on the island of Berezan are analyzed. The collection includes 8 alabastra, most of which are preserved in small fragments. Among the finds, there are items that have rare analogies in the Mediterranean or are found for the first time in the Northern Black Sea region. Type Al.2.V (515/510-495/490 BCE) is represented by only one item. In the Northern Black Sea region, a find from Berezan island is the only one so far. One fragment of alabastrum corresponds to the type Al.4.I (510-500 BCE). Two items of the type Al.9.I (480-425 BCE or 475-450 BCE) come from Borysthenes excavations. Type Al.14.I (475-450 BCE) is represented by the almost intact form. The most common in the Northern Black Sea region are alabastra decorated with a continuous zigzag pattern (type Al.16, 455/450-425/415 BCE). 3 items are found during the excavations of the settlement on Berezan island.

In the collection of glassware from Berezan, there are 6 amphoriskoi, which correspond to three types. Type Am.1.I (510/505-500/495 BCE) is represented by two fragmented vessels from the necropolis excavations in 1900-1901. Almost intact amphoriskos and a fragment of the vessel’s wall from the necropolis excavations in 1900-1901 represent the type Am.2 (505-495/490 BCE). The latest amphoriskos from Berezan collection is an item of type Am.4.IV (430-420/405 BCE). One fragment of the amphoriskos does not correspond to any type, but stylistic features give the opportunity to assume the chronology of its usage within the 5th century BCE.

Using glass aryballoi by the population of Borysthenes is evidenced by only one fragmented item. Stylistic features of the preserved part of the vessel may indicate two variants of the type Ar.4.I, II, dating back to the first half of the 5th century BCE.

Thanks to information from the catalog of objects found on the island of Berezan by G.L. Skadovskyi in 1900-1901 and the photo album of the tables of finds, the complexes of finding for three vials were managed to find out. This allowed clarifying the dating of the complexes. Present-day excavations in Borysthenes show that the glass core-formed vessels were used not only during the burial rites but also in everyday life since a number of fragments of core-formed vessels were found in residential areas of the site. The available finds indicate that the import of glass vials to the settlement began in the late 6th century BCE, and lasted until the last quarter of the 5th century BCE.


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How to Cite
Kolesnychenko, A. (2021). Glassware of 6th – 5th Centuries BCE from Burial and Residential Complexes of Borysthenes. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (3(35), 41-58.