Archaeologists on the background of the revolution. E.R. von Stern and excavations on the island of Berezan in 1905-1906
The article, based on written and archival sources, in particular epistolary, examines how the revolutionary events of 1905-1907 affected the life of one of the leading archaeologist of antiquity in the late XIX – early XX century – Ernest Romanovich von Stern.
Despite the difficult political and socio-economic situation in the country, he continued excavations on the island of Berezan, during which was discovered in 1905 the only one in the Northern Black Sea coast stone plate with a runic inscription.
But the revolutionary events and the governmental reaction that followed them, especially the rise of chauvinist sentiments in power and society, were one of the reasons why in 1911 E.R. von Stern emigrated to Germany forever.
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