Black-glazed pottery of Olbian suburban estates (excavations of 2003-2017 years)
Black-glazed pottery takes a prominent place among many categories of archaeological material from Olbian suburban estates and settlements.
Utensils from the estates Shiroka Balka (Broad Hollow) 6 (οικος) and Shiroka Balka (Broad Hollow) 7 (χωριον) are presented in various forms and types: for drinking wine (kantharos, kylix, cup-skyphos), dining (bowls, saltcellar bowls, saucers, plates), cosmetic (askos, lekanis) and lamps date back to the end of the VIth – IVth centuries B.C. We would like to note that the complex of black-glazed ceramics from the chorion in composition and duration of existence is slightly different from the findings of homestead (οικος).
Of particular interest is a complex of black-glazed pottery excavated on the homestead (οικος), which is represented by whole forms, mainly from the family burial site (35 copies). The earliest utensils – kylix by analogy with the materials of Athenian Agora are represented by utensils of the late VIth – Vth centuries B.C.
Among the black-glazed utensils, which were excavated on the suburban estates, the Attic ones, typical for ancient cities and settlements not only of ancient Greece, but also of the whole Black Sea coast, prevail.
The analysis of the Attic black-glazed pottery complex gave an opportunity to clarify the chronology of the existence of not only the Shiroka Balka (Broad Hollow) 6 / homestead (οικος) and Shiroka Balka (Broad Hollow) 7 chorionic villus sampling (χωριον) estates, but also of the whole pottery complex, in particular which was previously impossible to date in more detail.
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