Archive-Criminal Case of S.E. Barvinsky (Usyk): Uman Martyrology of the Repressed
The paper presents the results of the study of the issue of Ukraine regional history, in particular, its component – the political repressions of the intellectuals of Uman region in the 1920s – 1930s. After the processing of a complex of archival criminal cases stored in the State Archives of Cherkasy Oblast (Region), the case of Barvinsky (Usyk) Stepan Eutychiovych was chosen as being in need of further study.
As the analysis showed, S. Barvinsky (Usyk) grew up in a poor family and had a three-year parish school education. That did not stop him after military service in 1919 to join the party and after that to occupy certain positions in the local structure of the Bolshevik authorities. In 1932-1933 he held a position of the director of the Uman Fruit and Vegetable Institute, and during the «purge» of its party staff, was accused of wrecking and anti-Soviet activity. As a result of the inspection carried out at the institute, a conclusion was made about the unsatisfactory party, academic and research work. S. Barvinsky (Usyk) was sentenced to four years imprisonment in the remote parts of the USSR by the Uman People's Court and was under the investigation of the Uman District Department of the DPU on a charge of the communist underground betraying to Denikin counterintelligence in 1919. Twenty-seven witnesses were involved in the pre-trial investigation, but most of their testimonies did not coincide with the explanations of S. Barvinsky (Usyk), who did not plead his guilt. The investigation body referred the charging paper to the Uman district prosecutor «for the referring of the defendant to court». The case was considered by the Special Cases Deputy Prosecutor of the People’s Commissariat for Justice of the UkrSSR and, for the lack of sufficient evidence of criminal activity, it was closed.
Currently, there is no information about the further life of S. Barvinsky (Usyk) and therefore this issue requires further study. The analysis of the found archival materials allowed to disclose a number of discrepancies between many facts and events concerning this personality.
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