Ceramic Produced Items of Late Medieval and Modern Times of Chornobyl Annalistic Settlement (on Materials of Archeological Research of 2020)

Keywords: annalistic settlement of Chornobyl, ceramics, Late Medieval, Modern Times


Chornobyl collection of ceramic produced items of Late Medieval and Modern Times, discovered during archaeological research of the annalistic settlement of Chornobyl in 2020, is analyzed in the paper in order to introduce archaeological material into scientific circulation, taking into consideration its informative prospects.

The fragments of ceramic produced items from five utility pits, discovered in 2020, were selected for analysis. The archaeological material from these pits is presented in sufficient quantities, has a satisfactory state of preservation, and allows to identify the shape and ornamental techniques.

350 fragments of pottery were found, of which, respectively, 105 forms were identified. Among the identified forms, kitchenware predominates, accounting for 62.8%, respectively, tableware is 37.2%. Among them, about 46 (43.8%) have traces of ornament and 5 (4.7%) of ceramic glaze. Chornobyl assemblage is also represented by ceramic plastic, namely fragments of a pipe.

The study shows that the series of pots mainly has wide flat rims of both low and high forms with a rounded edge, and two found glazed ceramic bowls have a side rib belonging to type IV according to the typology of L. Vynohrodska.

Thus, the analyzed Chornobyl ceramic complex is identical in form and ornamental techniques to ceramics of other regions of Ukraine and is an integral part of Ukrainian type of ceramics of the 17th – 18th centuries.


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How to Cite
Kurzenkova, A., & Kurzenkov, M. (2021). Ceramic Produced Items of Late Medieval and Modern Times of Chornobyl Annalistic Settlement (on Materials of Archeological Research of 2020). Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (4(36), 29-39. https://doi.org/10.33782/eminak2021.4(36).554