Questions of Ethnogenesis of the Belarusian People in Scientific Concept of Myron Korduba

Keywords: Myron Korduba, origin of the Belarusian people, Lithuanians, Lithuanian-Polish era, pre-modern identities


In the article the scientific views of the prominent Ukrainian historian, professor of the Universities of Warsaw and Lviv Myron Korduba (1876-1947) on the origin of the Belarusian people are highlighted. The key works of the scientist on the problems of nation-building of the Eastern Slavs are taken into account, in particular, the little-known among Slavists study of M. Korduba «Some remarks on the origin of the Belarusian nation (in the margins of Dr. Jan Stankiewicz’s article)». The problem of ethnogenesis of the Belarusian people in the interpretation of M. Korduba is considered in the context of modern historiographical discourse.


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How to Cite
Fedoriv, I. (2021). Questions of Ethnogenesis of the Belarusian People in Scientific Concept of Myron Korduba. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (4(36), 136-147.
World History and International Relations