School in Ukrainian SSR in Second Half of 1940s – Late 1980s: Modern Views
Soviet society was contradictory in its development. On the one hand, there was a forced transition to new rules of coexistence, on the other hand, it was followed by significant losses and broken destinies of people. At first, in the minds of people, there were hopes for changes after World War II, but having realized that the ‘Father of Nations’ was not going to diverge from his outlined way, hopes vanished. Not surprisingly, the scholars whose works were devoted to that period paid attention to various aspects of the evolution of society. Among them are works about the school in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1940s – late 1980s.
The goal of this study is to characterize modern domestic historiography on the history of the school in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1940s – late 1980s. According to the goal, the following research objectives are defined: characterization of the main vectors of study; works content analysis; outlining the areas of further research.
The research methodology is represented by the principles of historicism, systematics, and objectivity. Among the methods, structural, functional, comparative, and statistical are used, which allow studying the selected issue holistically and comprehensively.
It should be noted that historical study on the selected issue has changed its vector, launching new studies and giving a new impulse for further research. The aspects ranging from the conditions of school life development to the separate person expanded the number of studied problems. Historians focused on anthropological, regional, and linguistic aspects of the problem. The lives of participants in the educational process, who were not static conductors of the will of the Soviet government, but lived their own lives, solving their own problems, are presented in a new way. These aspects have long been overlooked by scholars.
The prospect of our study may be the study of works of foreign historians who present their research on geopolitical considerations, which will allow representing more widely the picture of school life in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 40s – late 80s of the past century
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