Design of Ukrainian Museum Publications as Source of Museography (late 19th – early 20th century)
The majority of museographic works are aimed not only to tell about the museum but also to show it, to illustrate the collection. In this sense, museum publications are a combination of scientific, popular science, and illustrated materials. More intense illustrating fills museum publications starting from the late 19th century. It was facilitated by several circumstances, including changes in the economic level (development of typographic facilities), social and cultural situation (activation of education), and mental nature (historicism of thinking). From the point of view of print design, the late 19th – early 20th century is called the period of ‘eclectic book’ with peculiar stylistic characteristics.
The print design of Ukrainian museum publications of the late 19th – early 20th century, published in the Russian Empire, is analyzed in the paper. Different types of publications are analyzed: catalogs, albums, descriptions, guides, collections, mono editions. The analysis was conducted in two blocks: 1) technical aspects of presenting illustrations; 2) functional purpose and source base of museographic illustration. Methods of presenting illustrations are divided into categories: a) by method of creation; b) by the color specification; c) by the way the objects are arranged; d) by location in the material structure of a book.
It is noted that the design of Ukrainian museum publications of the studied period is marked by the features of the ‘eclectic book’, which show themselves in using fonts, decorative elements, photos, and drawings. The democratization of the book and the associated search for a new style for it, experiments with its form have not spoilt the content of museum publications. The book products of Ukrainian public museums and private collectors are marked by a harmonious combination and complementarity of illustrations and text. Museographic illustration is an important and multifaceted historical source in the field of the history of museology, historical science, and biographical research.
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