Contribution of South Russia Society for Acclimatization to Development and Scientific Support of Agriculture (End of 19th – beginning of 20th Century)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the contribution of the South Russia Society for Acclimatization, founded in Kharkiv in 1896, to the scientific support of certain branches of agriculture – horticulture, beekeeping, sericulture, poultry, etc.
The scientific novelty of the study is in highlighting the basic principles of the Society’s activity, its composition and structure, main areas of activity, achievements, and contribution of the organization to the study of acclimatization processes for the development of agriculture.
The methodology of the study is problem-chronological, comparative-historical, descriptive methods, and source criticism have been used, and the network model of science and the institutional approach to the analysis of the history of Ukrainian science have been tested.
Conclusions. It has been found out that the main achievements of the Society were: the publishing of a bulletin on agriculture, agricultural industry, trade and education – ‘Izvestiia Yuzhno-Russkogo Obshchestva Akklimatizatsii’; dealing with environmental issues, in particular, establishing the first tree-planting holidays in the Russian Empire, which, moreover, contributed to the ecological education of the younger generation; setting up school gardens at primary and secondary educational institutions, in which the learners were not only engaged in horticulture but also in vegetable gardening, forestry, beekeeping, sericulture and other branches of agriculture; establishing one of the first beekeeping and sericulture stations in the Russian Empire, and a profession-oriented museum with beekeeping courses; setting up of a city garden and a vivarium, which became the basis of Kharkiv State Zoological Park functioning today; holding the first exhibitions in the city: horticulture and crop production; aquariums, terrariums and indoor plants; poultry farming The Society also took care of the issues of fish farming and fishing.
In addition to tasks of a practical nature, the members of the Society carried out active popularization and scientific work, and delivered scientific reports on the most important issues of acclimatization of plants and animals, agriculture, etc.
Among the famous members of the South Russia Society for Acclimatization were: academician P. V. Ovsiannykov, professors O. F. Brandt, A. Ye. Zaikevych, P. A. Hordieiev, P. T. Stepanov, landowners I. I. Karazin and F. E. Falz-Fein, the Alchevskyis family – Candidate of Natural Sciences Dmytro Oleksiiovych Alchevskyi and Khrystyna Dmytrivna Alchevska, and others.
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