‘Battles for Hrushevskyi’: Era of Ukrainian Revolution in Diaspora Intellectuals Discussions of Post-War Twenty Years
The aim of this study is to clear up the peculiarities of the discussion about M. Hrushevskyi’s social and political activity in the historiography of Ukrainian diaspora. At the same time, the emphasis is placed on the least known period of foreign Hrushevskyi studies, when the prominent intellectual’s body of work was studied by his younger contemporaries and colleagues who were lucky enough to be on the other side of the ‘Iron Curtain’. Attention is also paid to the brightest page of Hrushevskyi’s biography as a politician – when he was a Head of the Central Rada, which still causes a lot of discussions today.
The scientific novelty of the paper is in the comprehensive study of the little-known issue of receptive Hrushevskyi studies – the clarification of the peculiarities of interpreting M. Hrushevskyi’s social and political activity during the years of revolution by Ukrainian intellectuals abroad in the second half of the 1940s – the first half of the 1960s.
Conclusions. The most debatable issues of Hrushevskyi studies discourse are clarified: the rapid leaning by the Head of the Central Rada more towards the left views, his attitude to the army, the reasons of the scientist’s federalistic views, etc. The ideological context of the historiographical discussions is reproduced. It consisted in the competition of diaspora intellectuals, who represented the republican and hetman party environments, for the inculcation of their own interpretation of the events of Ukrainian revolution in the minds of exiled Ukrainians. Those discussions were influenced by the emerging of new factual material and original interpretive models, brought by the memoirs of M. Hrushevskyi’s contemporaries. Also, the general progress of Ukrainian humanitaristics in the free world stimulated a rethinking of classical Hrushevskyi studies issues. Thanks to this, for example, a completely original view of the federalistic model of a prominent figure is formed. In general, the social and political Hrushevskyi studies of the mentioned twenty-year period make it possible gradually to reach new problem-thematic horizons.
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