Historical Education in Discourse of Ukraine State Policy Evolution, end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century

Keywords: education, historical education, state policy in the field of historical education, genesis of historical education, stages of development of historical education


The purpose of the proposed research is to study the genesis of national historical education in the discourse of the evolution of the state policy of Ukraine at the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries.

The scientific novelty. Based on the achievements of modern historical science, the periodization of the organization of historical education in Ukraine is defined and substantiated, and a historical-retrospective analysis of the peculiarities of its development in the conditions of modern state formation is carried out.

Conclusions. The conducted historical and retrospective analysis makes it possible to characterize the policy in the field of historical education at the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries as a multi-vector subsystem of the national policy. Developing within five stages (I – 1991 – 1996; II – 1997 – 2004; III – 2005 – 2009; IV – 2010 – 2013; V – 2014 – 2010), it was implemented in two ways: attempts to 'adjust' the traditional model of education to the current conditions of the new social and cultural existence; searching for other fundamental foundations of historical education that were more appropriate for a high-tech society. Evolving from a knowledge-based to a competency-based paradigm of development, historical education in the studied period underwent changes of a transformational and, in some places, imitative nature. Both of them were reflected in educational legislation, normative legal acts, curricula, and textbooks and thus outlined the main configuration of the modern historical development of knowledge.

Along with that, the practical interests of modern state policy regarding the consolidation of Ukrainians as a political nation dictate the need for further reform of its conceptual foundations and the creation of an appropriate educational environment in which young Ukrainians would be able not only to get historical education but also to be able to apply it in practice in the process of everyday life and personal self-realization.


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How to Cite
Ignatenko, N., & Moskalyuk, M. (2022). Historical Education in Discourse of Ukraine State Policy Evolution, end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (1(37), 135-149. https://doi.org/10.33782/eminak2022.1(37).577
Contemporary History