Unknown Maps and City Plans of Olbia and Its Outskirts of the 19th Century
The purpose of the paper is to introduce to the scientific circulation and analyze hitherto unknown cartographic sources stored in various museums and archival institutions.
The scientific novelty is in the fact that the analyzed four city plans and maps of 1821, 1851, and 1863, relating to Olbia and its outskirts, have never entered the circle of scientific interests of scholars.
The first is dedicated to the unknown facts of the existence of the village of Olbia (Shyroke). For the first time, two fragments of the ‘military land survey’ sheet of Kherson province in 1851 (scale 1 : 42,000) are shown. They include Olbia with the urochyshche Sto Mohyl and the area north of the village Parutyne. Another sheet of the map of 1851 and A.P. Chyrkov’s city plan of 1863, with Velykyi Adzhigol and Malyi Adzhigol towns (now the settlement of Dniprovske II), first described by academician E.E. Keller, are studied for the first time.
In the course of work on the study, both general scientific and special methods of historical research were used, such as comparative-historical, textological, and, especially, the comparative method of studying historical sources.
Conclusions. As part of the comparative analysis of the city plans, the localization of the mound in which the golden mask was found (1842) gets an accurate fix. A mound group is also localized on the city plans near gulch Shyroka, which was excavated in 1844 and 1853. Information about the stone crypts found in three of them is given as well.
Thus, in the course of the conducted study it is possible not only to compare the city plans with each other, but also to specify the previously unknown location of the ‘archaeological house’, to correlate the location of the mounds excavated in 1842, 1844, and 1853, as well as to clarify the confusing bibliography on the location of Adzhigol town.
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