Dynamics of Transport Infrastructure Development in the South of Ukraine in the 1960s
In the paper on the basis of generalization of statistical data, the development of transport and transport infrastructure is considered. In the southern regions of the Ukrainian SSR, took place a general tendency to increase both passenger traffic and carriage of goods. The dynamics of the main funds allocation to various sectors of transport and transport infrastructure in the period of 1960-1970 is compared. Reconstruction of different types of transport and transport infrastructure is submitted. The reasons for such changes in the area became both enhanced demand for transportation and increased funding for the whole transport system.
The population’s needs for transportation were provided by rail transport, which occupied one of the leading places in the Ukrainian SSR. It is confirmed by the largest volume of cargo and passenger traffic in the Ukrainian SSR comparing with other kinds of transport. According to the analyzed statistical data in the studied regions, the volume of receipt and consign of goods by rail increased by one and a half or two times.
There were significant changes in the infrastructure of such as land, sea, and air transport. Reconstruction of all types of transport and transport infrastructure was started.
Urban passenger electric means of transportation are also studied. It became important in moving city-dwellers through the city and became one of the cheapest. The volume of passenger transportation by road transport, in particular by public buses, is analyzed.
The activity of seaports as an important component of the transport infrastructure is compared as well. The ways of the resolution of the issues concerning air transport of Odesa, Mykolaiv, and Kherson Regions are determined.
There was a tendency to increase both passenger traffic and carriage of goods in the southern regions of the Ukrainian SSR.
In the 1960s, the transport infrastructure was being developed, in particular, the length of roads and railroads was increased. The increase in the percentage of hard-coated roads should be emphasized.
The need of the population in transportation and its provision is analyzed. Changes in such as land, sea, and air transport infrastructure are studied.
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