Neolithic Traditions on the Northern Periphery of the Dalmatepe Culture

Keywords: Dalmatepe culture, Azerbaijan, South Caucasus, periphery


The purpose of the study is to reveal the factors that determine the features of the Neolithic-Chalcolithic transition in the South Caucasus and the spread of the Dalmatepe culture in the region during this period.

The novelty of this study lies in the confirmation of the Neolithic traditions of Azerbaijan in the Nakhchivantepe layer of the Dalmatepe period, as well as the identification of the boundaries and distinctive features of the northern periphery of the Dalmatepe culture.

The results of the study indicate that Nakhchivantepe was the main center of Dalmatepe culture in the South Caucasus. Pottery samples found in the nearby settlements of Uchan Agyl, Uzunoba, Bülovgaya, as well as in the settlement of Godedzor on the territory of Zangazur, make it possible to include the Nakhchivanchay river valley and the Zangazur ridge in the northern periphery of the Dalmatepe culture.

The settlement of Nakhchivantepe is the main center of this periphery and demonstrates a transition from the Neolithic to the Chalcolithic culture in its stratigraphy. The pottery found in the settlement is divided into four main categories: simple chaff-tempered pottery, surface-manipulated pottery, red-slipped pottery, and painted pottery.

Simple chaff-tempered pottery (Group I) reflects the characteristics of the Kültepe culture (6372-5200), which appeared in the Neolithic period in the Nakhchivanchay valley. Neolithic traditions are also traced in the typology of simple ceramic vessels. Other groups of ceramics (II-IV) are similar to the materials typical for the Dalmatepe culture sites. However, in contrast to the south, ceramics with surface-manipulated ornaments are even more ancient on the northern periphery of the Dalmatepe culture. Some of the specimens are similar to the surface-manipulated ceramics of the Late Neolithic sites of Mil-Karabakh. The findings of this study confirmed the influence of the Azerbaijani Neolithic cultures on the Dalmatepe culture and identified the factors responsible for its spread.


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How to Cite
Guliyeva, Z. (2023). Neolithic Traditions on the Northern Periphery of the Dalmatepe Culture. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(42), 22-36.
Ancient History