The first Recipients of Ukrainian Orders and Medals in Mykolayiv Region
After the declaration of independence on August 24th, 1991, in Ukraine, the national award system for the awarding of Ukrainian citizens, for the outstanding services for the state and its people, was developed, approved, and began to operate. Among the highest awards of the state are: titles Hero of Ukraine, Honorary Award of the President of Ukraine, President Honor Cross of Ivan Mazepa; orders: Order of Merit, Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Order For Courage, Order of Princess Olga, Order of Danylo Halytsky, Order of Liberty, Order For Brave Miners’ Work, Order of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes.
For the 27 years of independence of Ukraine, the awards were granted to hundreds of residents of the Nikolayev Region, but among them were the first: Heroes of Ukraine N.I. Bialyk and A.I. Momotenko, recipient of the Honorary Award of the President of Ukraine Y.I. Makarov, recipients of orders: V.G. Pogorelov (Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise), S.P. Kalugin (Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky), V.A. Holyvko (Order of Merit), E.G. Gorburov (Order of Danylo Halytsky), G.M. Tazaracheva and O.G. Harlan (Order of Princess Olga); recipients of the President Honor Cross of Ivan Mazepa A.B. Ivaniuchenko and Medal For Labour and Victory A.M. Kostetskaya.
The achievements, for which the heroes were awarded are characterized, and their brief biographical data and career paths are presented.
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