Podillia Church Historical and Archaeological Society in the Study of Archaeological Heritage

Keywords: archaeological objects, historical and archaeological society, antiquities, Podillia, archaeological map, Ye. Setsinskyi


The purpose of the research paper is to analyze the role of Podillia Church Historical and Archaeological Society (1865-1920) in the study of archaeological heritage and to determine its significance in the overall heritage of its scientific achievements.

Scientific novelty. After studying the documentary sources it has been found out that during its activities Podillia Church Historical and Archaeological Society evolved from an amateur group into a true center of historical research in Podillia, and archeology became one of the main components that secured the Society recognition and authority in scientific circles at the end of the 19th century – early 20th century.

Conclusions. In order to write the history of Podillia with pro-Russian ideological content, a group of priests and local intellectuals at Podillia Theological Seminary was organized and got the name of the Committee for Historical and Statistical Description of Podillia Eparchy. Over the years, the Committee had grown into a full-fledged center for studying the history of Podillia, called Podillia Church Historical and Archaeological Society, whose work had acquired scientific features, and the areas of research and their content had gone far beyond the tasks set by the ruling elite.

The high level of organization and results of research in the field of archeology ensured the Society to be recognized in the academic world at the end of the 19th – early 20th century. And such achievements as the collecting and well-argued systematization of the collection of archaeological objects, as well as the system of the compiled Archaeological Map of Podillia, are patterns that retain their relevance and meaning to this day. Such a high assessment of the results of the Society’s activities was given by authoritative Ukrainian historians of that time, such as V. Antonovych, D. Doroshenko, I. Krypiakevych, and O. Ohloblyn.

From the experience of the Society, it follows that the main condition and reason for its progressive evolution was the very content of Ukrainian history, the objective study of which naturally formed individual national self-awareness and fostered patriotism.


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How to Cite
Zemskyi, Y., & Trygub, O. (2023). Podillia Church Historical and Archaeological Society in the Study of Archaeological Heritage. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(42), 234-251. https://doi.org/10.33782/eminak2023.2(42).650
Modern History

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