Authors’ Geography of Journal ‘Kwartalnik Historyczny’ (1887-1914)
The purpose of the research paper is to uncover the mechanisms of formation and dynamics of changes in the group of authors of the journal ‘Kwartalnik Historyczny’ in terms of their geographical localization from 1887 to 1914.
The scientific novelty of the study is in the fact that for the first time, based on source materials (reports of meetings of the Historical Society, editorial materials, correspondence, scientific research), the transformation of the authors’ geography of the ‘Kwartalnik Historyczny’ journal during the first period of its activity in Lviv has been analyzed.
Conclusions. Processes of institutionalization of Lviv’s historiographic environment at the end of the 19th century caused the creation of the first Polish organization of professional historians – the Historical Society and the journal ‘Kwartalnik Historyczny’. Despite its distinct regionalism, which was declared in its objectives and expressed in the studied issues, the need to keep abreast of scientific life actualized the problem of attracting authors from outside Halychyna to cooperate with the journal, which was difficult from a logistical and financial side. The result of the editorial policy was that in the first period of the journal’s existence, the works of over three hundred authors were published on its pages. Of them, 83% of researchers worked in Halychyna, and 17% represented Polish lands under the rule of Russia and Prussia, and foreign groups of researchers.
Generalized information on the authors’ geography of the collaborators of the journal in the pre-war period was as follows: half of the collaborators of the ‘Kwartalnik Historyczny’ were from Lviv, one-third from Krakow, one-fifth from Warsaw, and other localities. This allows us to state that the print periodical was not only a moderator of Lviv researchers of the past but also ensured the intellectual cooperation of all Polish researchers who worked in European academic centers, and their colleagues from other national environments.
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