Jewish Segment of Social and Political Life of Halychyna in Publicistic Heritage of Osyp Nazaruk
The purpose of the research paper is a comprehensive analysis of the Jewish segment of the social and political life of Halychyna in the publicistic heritage of Osyp Nazaruk.
Scientific novelty. The life path as well as the social and political activities of O. Nazaruk are analyzed. His attitude regarding the peculiarities of interethnic relations in Austria-Hungary at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century is singled out. The position of O. Nazaruk on the Jewish issue, anti-Semitism, and prospects for the development of Ukrainian-Jewish relations is traced.
Conclusions. The analysis of the Jewish segment of the social and political life of Halychyna in the publicistic heritage of O. Nazaruk makes it possible to form a holistic understanding of his worldview principles, especially concerning interethnic relations. An important structural element of the publicist’s statehood views was the effort to attract supportive political circles (including Jewish ones) to cooperate with Ukrainian ones. It is proved that such efforts were intended to ensure the simultaneous strengthening of the positions of both national movements.
O.Nazaruk’s consideration of the potential participation of the Jewish population in the development of the country is determined. His high estimation of the administrative potential of the Jews, which, in mutual assistance, could have accelerated the strengthening of the future state formation, is specified.
It is emphasized that O. Nazaruk occasionally analyzed Ukrainian-Jewish relations at the turn of the century. He accentuated the absence of any mutual religious, ethnic, and other prejudices between Ukrainians and Jews.
The publicist’s attitude towards certain representatives of the Jewish people is analyzed. Favorable reviews and positive perception of their activities highlighted O. Nazaruk’s unchanging position on the tolerant coexistence of Ukrainians and Jews. The analysis of his personal correspondence is indicative in this respect.
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