The City Dyrrhachium (Durres) from Its Foundation to the 10 century
The purpose of the research paper is to examines the historical significance of Dyrrhachium (modern-day Durrës), as a pivotal economic, commercial, and political center in the Adriatic region from antiquity to the medieval period.
The scientific novelty resides in its meticulous exploration of Dyrrhachium’s economic, commercial, and political significance in during Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. The research elucidates the city’s remarkable ability to navigate and thrive amidst various external challenges, offering invaluable insights into the dynamics of the Adriatic region during both ancient and medieval periods. This study contributes to a nuanced understanding of regional interactions and socio-economic dynamics, shedding light on the intricate interplay of factors that shaped Dyrrhachium’s enduring prominence.
Conclusion. Dating back to its establishment by Hellenic settlers around 625 BCE, Dyrrhachium witnessed a remarkable trajectory of development under various rulers, including the Romans and Byzantines, despite enduring significant external threats such as Ostrogoth and Slavic invasions. Notably, the construction of the Egnatia road served as a catalyst, amplifying Dyrrhachium’s economic importance by facilitating trade between the Eastern and Western regions. Through tumultuous times, Dyrrhachium showcased remarkable economic resilience, ultimately emerging as the preeminent city in the Byzantine Empire’s Balkan region.
The despite facing numerous political upheavals and external invasions over the centuries, Dyrrhachium emerged as an exemplar of resilience, establishing itself as a stalwart economic and political nucleus in the Adriatic region. Its strategic location, complemented by robust commercial activities and administrative autonomy, fortified Dyrrhachium’s position as a formidable player in regional affairs, ensuring its enduring prominence across antiquity and the medieval era.
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