Archaeological and Early Historical Interests of Mykhailo Hrushevsky: Receptive Aspect
The purpose of the research paper is to summarize a wide range of issues of an archaeological and early historical nature, actualized in the reviews of M. Hrushevsky.
The scientific novelty of the study is in the first special attempt at a complex reconstruction of archaeological and early historical subject matters of M. Hrushevsky’s heritage.
Conclusions. The scope of M. Hrushevsky’s archaeological interests is noted. Having been trained by V. Antonovych in archaeology, having practical experience in field excavations, and creating platforms for professional communication in the form of museums and journals, the scholar formed a panoramic vision of the achievements and problems of contemporary science. The picture of the state of archaeology in the late 19th – early 20th century offered by him was characterized by academic correctness, the accuracy of critical observations, and the innovative nature of proposals. He strived for the disciplinary modernization of Eastern European archaeological science, which, according to the reasoned opinion of M. Hrushevsky, was delayed at the stage of forming an empirical base. Of particular importance at the time was the scholar’s defense of Ukrainian archaeological interests in typologizing the historical cultures in our ethnic lands in a polemic with Russian, Polish, and Western European colleagues. Such activity had a considerable public impact and was an organic component of the scholar’s struggle for recognition of the academic rights of Ukrainian science.
In general, today, most of M. Hrushevsky’s observations, expressed in discussions with fellow archaeologists, are mainly of historiographical interest. However, his calls to avoid haste in the classification of archaeological material, to interpret it in the widest possible cultural context, to select reflectively a theoretical and methodological array of tools, and to treat artifacts of the past with responsibility are relevant guidelines for Ukrainian science even nowadays.
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