Alcoholic Beverages, Their Production and Sale in Volhynian Towns of the 18th Century
The purpose of the research paper is to find out the main aspects of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages (trunok) and consider them as an important segment of the economy of the towns of Volhynian Voivodeship in the 18th century.
The scientific novelty is in the setting of a problem and an attempt to study it with the involvement of a complex of achievements of national and foreign historiography, as well as the introduction of new historical sources into scientific circulation. The production and sale of alcohol in the towns of Volhynian brought high profits to the towns’ authorities. Their production and sale were used as a way out of a difficult economic situation.
Conclusions. Alcoholic beverages during the 18th century became fashionable and popular in the urban space of the Volhynian Voivodeship. Profits from korchma keeping and shynok keeping accounted for one-third to one-half of the total in the towns of the region, where various types of alcohol were consumed. Magnates, gentry, and wealthy town dwellers tasted Hungarian and French wines, fine horilka imported from Gdańsk, English beer, and ladies and elegants (criminal elements) – champagne. Mead was used on holidays and for landowners’ meals. The kholops (bond slaves) mostly used local horilka. A strong alcoholic drink was produced under the ‘brands’ Prostka and Ordynarna. In the case of adding various herbs, ingredients, and technical processing, other types of horilka appeared – Alembykova, Gdańska, Okovyta, Anisova, Tsukrova, ‘Zolota Horilka’, Ratafia, etc. Horilka and beer in various variations were used in culinary, medicinal, and veterinary practices. Mead was considered an excellent remedy for ‘digestion.’ Liqueurs (nastoianka) such as Vyshniak, Malyniak, and others were widely drunk. Beer was the most popular among the town dwellers.
Grains were the main raw material for producing alcoholic beverages; honey, canary sugar, cherries, plums, raspberries, and other berries were also used. The sale of grain after processing it into horilka brought a profit three times higher than the cost of the grain itself.
Centers of distilling and brewing in the 18th century became Starokostiantyniv, Zaslav, Vyshnivets, Kremenets, Berestechko, and Volodymyr. Volhynian horilka was sold in local markets and was also transported to Halychyna, Lublin, and Warsaw.
The production and sale of alcoholic beverages were subject to a state tax called chopove (on average ⅛ of the cost of the drink). In some towns, kotlove and shynkove (or sheliazhne) were paid.
Wineries and breweries in the towns were mainly in the hands of tenants. Alcoholic beverages were sold in korchmas, shynoks, and austerias. Such beverages occupied an important niche in the everyday life of the townspeople and the economy of towns.
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