M.M. Arkas and Preservation of Historical Memory of T.H. Shevchenko (last quarter of the 19th – early 20th century)
The purpose of the research paper is the historical reconstruction of the versatile activity of M.M. Arkas with the preserving of the historical memory of T.H. Shevchenko in the last quarter of the 19th – early 20th century.
The scientific novelty. A conceptual analysis of the issue is performed; the genesis of M.M. Arkas’ interest in the figure of T.H. Shevchenko under controversial social and political factors is shown. It is proved that in the activity of M.M. Arkas, the perpetuation of T.H. Shevchenko’s image in the historical memory was an organic triune process within the framework of Ukrainian national culture; its meanings and structure, in particular, three main areas, are determined. The connection between the intellectual memorialization of the historical memory of T.H. Shevchenko with the way of thinking, value views, ideals, orientations, and traditions of conscious Ukrainians is shown.
Conclusions. Preserving the historical memory of T.H. Shevchenko became an important content of M.M. Arkas’ life and activity under the unfavorable historical conditions of the Russian imperial regime and the ideological influence of Ukrainian patriotism. Perpetuation of the historical memory of Kobzar in the activities of M.M. Arkas was carried out using modi of Ukrainian enlightenment activity – markers of his Ukrainian national consciousness and identity.
The main meanings and areas of honoring Kobzar’s personality in the intellectual activity and public practices of M.M. Arkas became a means of musical and theatrical art, popular historical narrative, and public educational activities. Being a sincere Ukrainian patriot, M.M. Arkas played a key role in initiating the phenomenon of Shevchenko’s anniversary in Mykolaiv. That showed itself in the activities of Ukrainian circles and Mykolaiv ‘Prosvita’ in 1902-1909. The imperial regime, in several different ways, resisted the perpetuation of the bright image of Kobzar. The tradition of honoring the historical memory of T.H. Shevchenko in Mykolaiv, laid by M.M. Arkas, had followers and became a sign of an irreversible mental break with the ‘united Russian world’ in the circles of conscious Ukrainians, contributed to its consolidation, and the establishment of national consciousness and identity.
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