Scientific and Practical Activities of Professor V.I. Albitskyi and His Contribution to Development of Science and Engineering Education
The purpose of the research paper is to highlight the scientific and practical activities of Vasyl Ivanovych Albitskyi and to identify and assess his contribution to the development of science and engineering education in the Ukrainian territories of the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th century.
The scientific novelty of the work is in the systematization of knowledge about the scientific and practical activities of V.I. Albitskyi in the fields of hydraulics and hydraulic engineering, design and construction of hydraulic structures in the infrastructure of water resources and water industry of the Ukrainian gubernias of the Russian Empire. The role of the scientist in the development of technical education and teaching methods is shown.
Conclusions. V.I. Albitskyi can undoubtedly be considered an outstanding educator and leading expert in the field of hydraulics and hydraulic engineering in the Ukrainian territories at the turn of the 19th century. The professor was one of the founders of calculation methods: hydraulic turbines, hydraulic structures, and pipeline cleaning technologies.
V.I. Albitskyi’s experimental research in the field of hydrodynamics and his active studies of the movement of liquids and the impact of this movement on hydraulic structures were of great importance to the scientific community of the time, and his works on the subject became the basis for further research and development of hydraulics in the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th century. Vasyl Ivanovych’s organizational and practical work on the design and construction of hydraulic structures contributed to the development of water resources infrastructure and water industry in Left-Bank Ukraine, and therefore the scientist’s contribution to the development of hydraulics and hydraulic engineering cannot be underestimated.
The author emphasizes the importance of Vasyl Ivanovych’s scientific and pedagogical heritage in the development of technical education since the scientist’s approaches to teaching and innovative teaching methods contributed to the training of high-quality specialists in engineering.
Thus, the professional activity of Vasyl Ivanovych Albitskyi and his main achievements in it are of great importance for modern engineering education and the development of hydraulic and hydro-engineering industries, since the scientific and practical achievements of the scientist contributed to the development and sustainability of hydraulic structures and the most efficient use of water resources.
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