Political Ideology: The Essence, Functions and the Factor of International Policy

Keywords: ideology, political ideology, functions, international politics, political process, factor, system, state, political trend, party, concept


The paper describes the history and evolution of the term «ideology» based on the works of scholars from different countries. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the concept of political ideology, and the attempt to study the ideological dimension of world policy in the context of globalization is made. The classification of ideological and political concepts and their mutual influence in the political process is proposed. The content and functions of the most influential philosophical systems that form the basis of political ideology are uncovered. The models of political ideology development and their use in democratic and totalitarian systems are studied. The author shows the factors that influence the political process in countries with democratic traditions and in countries where the process of modernization of political systems is incomplete.

The interdependence between ideology and geopolitics, which was embodied, for example, in the state ideology of the USA – the ideology of Americanism, is analyzed.

Attention is drawn to the fact that in the last decade, radical Islamism has spread and the reason for intensification of this process is given. It is noted that the main forms of political consciousness are political ideology and political psychology. Political activity is determined by a system of views based on the interests of citizens. The subjective side of politics shows itself in political consciousness, and the content and characteristics of the political process depend on it.

It is stated that in the 70s of the twentieth century the concept of «re-ideologization» was developed, which was based on the statement that the ideology and science were incompatible. Today, the liberal version proposes to develop a «global» ideology as the basis for reconciling the opposing ideologies.

It is argued that any ideology is political by nature. Political ideology substantiates the will of social groups to power and its use. As a rule, it is stated in the program documents of the parties, in the statements of various political forces.

It is concluded that in the twentieth century the ideologization of international relations meant their dependence on the tasks of an international struggle because of ideological motivations. De-ideologization and humanization of international relations can help to withdraw from confrontation and conflicts.


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How to Cite
Kolisnichenko, A. (2018). Political Ideology: The Essence, Functions and the Factor of International Policy. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, 2(4 (24), 126-131. Retrieved from https://eminak.net.ua/index.php/eminak/article/view/72
World History and International Relations