Education and Scientific Activity in the Environment of Ukrainian Political Emigration in Romania (1920-1940)
The purpose of the research paper is to outline the trends in the development of educational and scientific activities of the Ukrainian political emigration in Romania in the period between World Wars I and II; to determine the circle of emigrants who distinguished themselves in the field of science; to characterize scientific activities of emigrant researchers in this Balkan country.
The scientific novelty is in the generalization of information on the development of educational and scientific activities of Ukrainian political emigration in Romania in the interwar period, and the identification of the achievements of Ukrainian researchers who conducted research outside Ukraine.
Conclusions. After a large number of Ukrainians were forced to emigrate, they faced the problem of adapting to new conditions and circumstances and preserving their national identity. Such a problem was easier to solve in the political centers of the Ukrainian emigration, where tens of thousands of Ukrainians lived, where there was a political and intellectual elite, a network of cultural and educational, scientific, and public organizations operated, and a press was printed. The problem was more difficult to solve in recipient countries with a relatively small number of political emigrants (several thousand). That was the case with Romania.
However, despite the relatively small number of intelligentsia among Ukrainian political emigrants in Romania, the central and local emigrant public organizations performed educational activities in the form of illiteracy eradication courses, public lectures, and reading of reviews. Professional (teachers’ and school) public organizations in the camps for interned Ukrainian military personnel, the Extraordinary Diplomatic Mission of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Romania, the Branch of the Ukrainian Association (Supporters) of the League of Nations, the Union of Ukrainian Emigrant Women, and the Public Relief Committee of Ukrainian Emigrants in Romania were the most notable in that sphere. Sometimes, the Romanian experts also participated in educational events related to emigration.
Political emigrants in Romania did not establish special scientific institutions but manifested themselves in various fields of science. The most famous researchers among Ukrainian emigrants, organizers of educational and scientific events were M. Halyn (medicine, history), I. Hanytskyi (applied mechanics, cooperation), D. Maier-Mychalskyi (law), K. Matsiievych (public agronomy, agricultural economics), Yu. Rusov (fish farming, ichthyology), M. Frolov (soil science), and V. Trepke (economics, public administration, history). Their scientific works were published in scientific publications not only in Romania but also in other countries.
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