Scientific and Organizational Principles of the Development of Duck Breeding in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 20th century

Keywords: poultry breeding, duck breeding, breeding, keeping, feeding, incubation, meat production


The purpose of this research is to summarize the scientific and organizational basics of duck breeding in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 20th century. The objectives of the research are to describe the scientific, methodological and coordinating role of sectoral research institutions in developing effective industry managing methods, disclosing the achievements of the production units in increasing the rates of production and implementing of best practices. Research methodology is based on the comprehensive use of general scientific, structural-functional and historical methods, and a wide range of sources.

The fact that the Ukrainian SSR was characterized by the rapid development of the duck breeding sector in the second half of the 20th century is shown; if in the early 50s the number of ducks in the republic reached 10% of the total number of poultry, then in the late 80s the proportion of duck meat exceeded 20% of the total amount of poultry meat. The author has proved a significant role of the scientists of Ukrainian Poultry Research Institute in the development of scientific and organizational principles for the development of duck breeding. The scientists of the Institute conducted researches on the breeding of ducks using natural food in the reservoirs of various types and sizes in the collective farms of Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Kherson and Poltava Regions (Oblasts). The scientific and organizational methods of duck breeding were developed and implemented into production. The breeding achievements of the scientists of the institute, by the efforts of which the Ukrainian breed group of ducks is best adapted for foraging in fresh and marine reservoirs, are generalized. The main ways of growing ducks are named: the intensive method characterized by using dry full-rationed mash and the extensive method characterized by the use of natural green and succulent feed.

The achievements of duck breeding units, in particular, the leading in the Ukrainian SSR and the USSR Yahotyn Poultry Farm, as well as Haisyn, Novoaidar, Taraniv, Kaharlyk, «Yuzhna» poultry farms, individual breeding farms and reproducers are described. It is shown that in 1989 farms engaged in duck breeding in various regions of the USSR, including the Tarashcha Interkolkhoz Production Association of Kyiv Region, united into the production and scientific system «Medeo» for the production of incubator eggs and duck meat.

Prospects for further research are in the study of theoretical and methodological principles of the development of duck breeding and goose breeding in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the twentieth century.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, V. (2018). Scientific and Organizational Principles of the Development of Duck Breeding in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 20th century. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, 2(4 (24), 177-181. Retrieved from
History of Science and Technology