Factors for Improving the Efficiency of the Scientific Work of the Odessa Astronomical Observatory during the Stagnation Period

Keywords: Odessa Astronomical Observatory, V.P. Tsesevych, O.M. Kosygin economic reform, research work, self-supporting basis, commercial contract themes


In the paper the economic aspects that caused the structural changes in the organization of scientific activity of the Odessa Astronomical Observatory in the second half of the 60s – early 80s of the 20th century are analyzed.

On the basis of the analysis of archival sources, the author describes the issues of putting on a self-supporting basis and introduction of the commercial contract themes in the plans of research work of the Observatory and the Department of Astronomy of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, which took place within the framework of introduction of O.M. Kosygin economic reform in 1965. That reform did not have the expected result from the point of view of the radical change of the Soviet model of economic management, since in the conditions of the maximum centralization of the political and economic system of the USSR the combination of state regulation and market mechanisms was impossible. However, it contributed to the reorganization in the scientific field, which was faced with the task of performing scientific and technical progress.

It is shown that the implementing of the reform in the Odessa Astronomical Observatory was accompanied by a rapid increase in the number of works on the commercial contract themes, carrying out of measures directed to the automation of the process of observing and processing of the results, significant achievements in the field of telescope building, and improving the material and technical support of the observatory using internal financing. The commercial contract themes performed by the Odessa Astronomical Observatory were a direct continuation of the state budget themes and their additions. The considerable place took the researches conducted on the closed special-contract themes.

The factors contributing to the efficiency of the research work of this institution are identified and among them predominated the extensive methods of work organization, in particular, the reduction of staff positions and employing of leading specialists and students without pay, on a voluntary basis.

It is noted that the state under-funding and the gradual aging of the material and technical base, coinciding with the general situation in the Soviet economy had the negative influence on the development of the Observatory that reflected the negative tendencies of the development of the economy.


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How to Cite
Hrushytska, I. (2018). Factors for Improving the Efficiency of the Scientific Work of the Odessa Astronomical Observatory during the Stagnation Period. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, 2(4 (24), 182-187. Retrieved from https://eminak.net.ua/index.php/eminak/article/view/82
History of Science and Technology