Ethics of publication and reviewing

 In its publishing activity, the editorial board is guided by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)

Editorial Ethics

The editors of the journal are guided by the following:

- decisions are made objectively, impartially and fairly and are based on the significance of the paper submitted and its suitability for publication in the journal;

- peer review and information about the reviewers are confidential;

- the rules and requirements, which are obligatory for the members of the editorial board, authors and papers reviewers, are strictly observed;

- each volume is published in a timely manner and corresponds to the established periodicity of the journal.

The editorial board makes the decision on the publication after careful examination of all the submitted materials and publishes only those texts that meet the scientific standards of the international scientific community.

Editors are obliged to be guided by the current Ukrainian and international legislation regarding the slander, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

Members of the editorial board make their contribution to the journal, using their own experience, make rational proposals and give advice on editorial policy. They may be involved in papers evaluation, choosing the reviewers that fit the reviewing of a particular manuscript. They can offer monographs for reviewing or discussion, make recommendations to the board regarding themes for special issues of «Eminak».

 The editors guarantee that all the intellectual work submitted for publication will be discussed scientifically, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, scientific orientation, political or academic position of the authors.

The editorial board does not give any information about the reviewing manuscripts to a third party, except the author(s), reviewers or potential reviewers. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer's or editors’ own research without the written consent of the author.

 If, after publication, the editorial board finds out that there have been significant problems related to the published paper or review (for example, serious mistakes or inaccuracies, conflicts of interest, plagiarism), it should promptly notify the author(s) and take the necessary steps to solve this problem, and, if necessary, remove the paper or publish the retraction.

  A retraction, or paper withdrawal from the journal, is possible in the case when:

- the editors have clear evidence that the submitted data are unreliable or obtained as a result of illegal actions (for example, data juggling);

- the paper was previously published in other publications without proper authorization or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication);

- the paper is plagiarized;

- the paper contains information on unethical research.


Authors Ethics

Authors must be ensured that their work is original and has not been published yet. All publications that have had a decisive influence on the nature of the proposed manuscript must be appropriately cited or quoted. Authors should submit rigorous scientific papers on the basis of initial information carefully collected through systematic scientific research. Presented manuscripts should always confirm the complete up-to-date knowledge of the relevant primary sources and scientific literature.

Inaccurate or voluntarily made fraudulent statements are unethical and unacceptable.

 Personal attacks or any form of unscientific criticism of other scholars should be avoided. Authors should not criticize other authors on non-scientific reasons and on reasons related to religious, political, ethnic, racial, gender or sexual orientation.

 Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be published as copyrighted material, in other publications. Manuscripts reviewed by journal «Eminak» should not be submitted simultaneously to the editorial boards of other journals.

By submitting the manuscript, the author or authors agree that, as soon as it is accepted, their work will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) license.

The authorship of the manuscript is limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the concept, content, performing or interpretation of the research. Anyone who has made a significant contribution should be listed as a co-author. All co-authors should approve the submitted version and coordinate it for publication.

Authors should clearly indicate in the manuscript all sources of financial support for the project. If the author finds considerable mistakes or inaccuracies in the published manuscript, it is his duty to notify the editorial staff of this journal immediately and cooperate with it to correct the manuscript.


Review and ethics of reviewers

The journal uses a double blind peer review system for all manuscripts submitted to the editorial board, with the aim of peer review. In this case, both the reviewer and the author are anonymous and are unknown to each other.

 All manuscripts submitted to the editorial board, without indicating the author's surname, are sent to independent anonymous reviewers. Only the manuscripts which have received one and, if necessary, two reviewer’s approvals, are allowed to be printed by the editorial board's decision. The leading scholars of Ukraine, as well as foreign experts with works in the field of archeology, history, history of international relations, in particular, having publications within 5 last years on the subject of the paper under review, are involved in the reviewing.

The reviews are preserved in the editorial office of the journal for 3 years.

The editorial board of the journal «Eminak» sends the authors of the submitted materials a summary of reviewers’ comments or a motivated refusal.

 WARNING! In the event that both reviews are negative, the author receives a refusal to publish, without disclosing the content of the reviews to him.


 Reviewers Ethics

Reviewers should ensure that:

- the review should be written professionally, objectively and for the period sufficient for the preparation of the review;

- confidentiality is guaranteed;

- report on any current or potential conflicts of interest will be send to the editorial board;

- the review meets generally accepted scientific standards;

- the editors should be informed in case the author of the paper is suspected of violating scientific ethics.

 Expert reviewers should assist the editorial board in making the correct decision regarding the paper, and also should assist the author to improve his paper with reviewers’ comments. The independent reviewer, in the case when prompt review will be impossible should notify the editorial board and excuse himself from the review process.

Manuscripts received by the reviewer should be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to the third parties or discussed with anyone except as authorized by the editorial board.

 Evaluation of the manuscript should be conducted as objectively as possible. All criticisms should be limited to scientific debate and can not be offensive.

The reviewer should express his point of view in a clear manner, based on objective data. If necessary, the reviewer may propose amendments to certain aspects of the publication, or indicate the relevant sources or bibliography related to the paper under review.

 The reviewer has to notify the editorial board of the journal about any signs of open plagiarism, which can be confirmed by the reviewer.

Information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.

 In any case, if the reviewer is in some way in a position that can cause a conflict of interest arising from communication with institutions or organizations (political, scientific, editorial, etc.) which concern the subject of the manuscript, then they have to inform about this the editorial board, which will send the paper to another expert within the relevant field.


 Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest can exist when the author (or the institution he works for), an independent reviewer, one of the members of the editorial board, has financial or personal relations that may negatively influence their relations. This conflict can exist, even if the subject claims that he is not affected by such relations. Editors can manage such conflicts by trying to avoid them in all possible ways and, at the same time, to work with maximum transparency in all cases.

 As a rule, in order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, the policy of the «Eminak» journal is to avoid reviewing or discussing publications written or edited by one of the editors and their close relatives, or published in an issue in which any editor plays an exclusive role.

 Archiving Policy

This journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PN) archiving policy.

The PKP PN provides free archiving services for journals created on the Open Journal Systems platform.

Archives of the journal are placed on the platform "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" in the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.


The author preserve the right, without the consent of the editorial board and the founders of publication:

1. To use article materials wholly or partially for educational purposes.

2. To use article materials wholly or partially to write our own theses.

3. To use article materials for the preparation of abstracts, conference reports, and oral presentations.

4. To post electronic copies of the article (including the final electronic version downloaded from the official web-site of the journal) on:

a. personal web-resources of all the authors (web-sites, web-pages, blogs, etc.);

b. web-resource of the institutions employing the authors (including electronic institutional repositories);

c. noncommercial web-resources of open access.